From August 2023 the ULEZ is expanding to include all London boroughs – check out our news post of 15 December for more information. Details of the scrappage scheme that support the ULEZ expansion have now been released. The online application process opens on 30 January with full details on the website.
Eligible applicants can get up to £2k for scrapping a car or £5k for wheelchair accessible vehicles that don’t meet the ULEZ emissions standards. Mobility credit options will also be available which include a lower payment plus one or two adult-rate Annual Bus & Tram Passes.
Only eligible applicants with vehicles that do not meet the ULEZ emissions standards will qualify for the scheme. The vehicle must also have valid road tax, MOT and insurance and have been registered to an eligible keeper for more than 12 months prior to 30 January 2023.
To be eligible you must live in one of the 32 London boroughs or the City of London AND receive benefits such as Credits (Universal or Child Tax or Pension or Working Tax), Payments (Armed Forces or Personal Independence), Allowances (Attendance or Carer’s or Severe Disablement or Disability Living or Employment and Support or Jobseeker’s), Housing Benefit or a War Pensions Mobility Supplement.
If you would like to switch to an electric car, which are all fully ULEZ compliant, you can find secondhand EVs at EV Experts from £9k with ranges from 50 miles, all the way up to £60k and 300 miles. Come and talk to us today and we can advise which electric cars work for you and your lifestyle.